[This column is limited to protesting statements and actions by my own country’s leadership that most overtly conflict with the values of inclusion, respect, and freedom of expression embraced by UConn and any worthy academic community.]
Note of March 15, 2025: According to numerous news reports, federal authorities have recently arrested and/or revoked the visas of foreign students without providing any evidence of activities beyond speech protected by the First Amendment. Such actions, which appear designed to intimidate and silence those who may express views disfavored by the Administration, should not be tolerated by a free society.
Note of January 29, 2025: Two days ago, President Trump issued an executive order containing this statement: “Adoption of a gender identity inconsistent with an individual’s sex conflicts with a soldier’s commitment to an honorable, truthful, and disciplined lifestyle, even in one’s personal life.” This statement stands in stark contrast to our institution’s values. I deplore it and express my solidarity with those who are defamed and threatened by this language. (As of today, UConn is “committed to building a safe and inclusive community for all its members. President Maric has written: “We must be an institution that always works to address the impact of hateful acts and values the identity and beliefs of others.” UConn has adopted a statement of values that reads, in part: “We embrace the diversity of all people in their unique lived experiences”.)
Note of June 29, 2020: Three months ago, UConn President Thomas Katsouleas rightly deplored “reckless rhetoric from some prominent public leaders” targeting minorities. I want to express my solidarity with those at UConn and beyond who are endangered by President Trump’s ongoing promotion of racist messages.
Update: With his ongoing nativist demagoguery (e.g., spreading rumors of “prayer rugs” at the border on Jan. 18, 2019, or suggesting that American lawmakers “go back” to other countries on July 14), the President continues to overstep any bounds of legitimate political discourse. I hope that UConn’s leadership will reaffirm our democratic values in the face of these attacks on them, and our solidarity with all members of the UConn community who are the targets of such vilification and exclusion on the basis of religion, race, or ethnicity.
Note of June 19, 2018: As a faculty member of an institution that stands for the dignity of all, I express my dismay at the President’s use of dehumanizing language. There can be no justification or excuse for speaking of any group of people as “infest[ing] our Country.”
Note of Nov. 29, 2017: I condemn and protest in the strongest terms today’s outrageous dissemination by the U.S. President of videos aiming to incite hatred against Muslims. Such hate speech is not just dangerous, as history abundantly shows; it is fundamentally unjust. It is also antithetical to everything the UConn academic community stands for — hence my protest on this page. I await a clear repudiation of today’s action from the U.S. Administration.
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